First, a confession: I have had many comments on what a nice mom I am to make my family breakfast in bed on their birthdays. It is a tradition and I do have fun with it, but, the truth is... I want a turn! And I always get it (not always with a great attitude, but nonetheless).
All joking aside, I had a great day and I'm so very thankful to be a mother. I know without a doubt that it is the most important thing I will ever do. I'm also so thankful for a wonderful forgiving family who loves me despite my many shortcomings!
Next, we had another successful dance concert at Shellie's School of Dance. It was especially fun this year because Jordan got to be in it this year. He was asked to be in the couples dance with one of the graduates (Brittany Flandro) and did a great job. And as usual, I was proud as can be of my beautiful talented girls!
Our concert was "All you need is Love" and we did a Beatles Anthology. If you are a Beatles fan and didn't come, you truly missed out. It was fabulous. I didn't know I was a Beatles fan until we put on this concert, but now there is no doubt!
Makenna just turned 10 and is finally old enough to try out for Jazz Attitude. It's the performing team at our studio. We decided to stop at the studio on our way to Arctic Circle after the concert to see if by chance the list of who made it was up yet.
The day after dance concert was Senior Ball at Hunter High. Jordan was pretty much on his own to prepare for this dance with it being concer week and all. He was a little more excited than usual when he came home from renting his tux with his buddies...
And lastly, this may be a little icky for some of you so you might want to stop reading now.
Wade and I celebrated our 20th anniversary on May 20th. I can hardly believe it, it seems like yesterday. The day of our anniversary was extremely busy so we decided to wait for the weekend to celebrate. But as I backed out of the driveway to take the kids to school, this is what I saw....
Very sweet! I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband. He is so good to me. He is an amazing husband and father and he is so unselfish. And then on our postponed date he surprised me with a trip to Disneyland! Woohoo! That's where we went on our honeymoon, but this time is gonna be even better cuz we're taking the whole fam!!!!! I'm so excited!!! Okay the icky is over:)