Jace has played football for the past several years. In football, there is a weight limit. If you weigh more than the limit, you can only play the line because they don't want bigger kids crushing tiny kids. So Jace has played the line for the past few years. This year, Jace decided that he really wanted to play a different position- one that he has to be under the weight limit for.
So he came to us before football started and told us that he wanted to make weight and felt like he could. It would mean he would have to lose about 12 lbs in about 5 weeks. I didn't like the idea too much, but he was soooooo determined. So we told him we would help him but only if he did it healthy. No crazy crash diets. So we came up with a plan
I am so totally amazed by his motivation and will power. He ran at least 2 miles a day, and ate 6 times a day. No sugar, no pop, and very low fat. He has eaten more fish in the last month than most people eat in a lifetime.
Well weigh ins were on Monday, and I'm proud to announce that he made it! While he and Wade were at the weigh in, I ran to Sams Club and bought him one of those yummy chocolate bundt cakes. It was # 1 on his list of things he wanted to eat after he made weight. We were planning on taking him to dinner and then coming home to the cake. But when he got home and saw it, he asked if he could have a little piece of it before we went to dinner.
I couldn't resist- it was a priceless moment!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of him! My favorite picture is the 2nd one, where you can tell her REALLY is enjoying it! He looks so grown up! Tell your kids to stop growing up! We are going to come back to a bunch of adults! *tear* He is such a handsome devil - love it! When we come to visit, you can buy that cake for me, too! :)
he's really ejoying it, hot her! DUH me!
I give up! hot her! I meant not her! Sorry for the 3 comments!
I remember those football weigh in days with my cousin. So hard!!! BTW: CUTE CUTE BABY PIC!!!! He was about the size of my monster babies!!! Too cute!!!
Good job Jace!
Seriously... best kid I know! Love him! I'm so proud of him and you! What a good mom and dad to help him accomplish his goal! Besties! All of you!
What a total stud! (Can Grandmas say that?)
Stupid rule for a stupid game! I am so proud of Jace. But don't let him do that again.
(And I will forever love that baby picture. SOOOO cute!)
Holy cow! I could really use his self discipline. Every time I decide to start eating healthy, I suddenly get the feeling that I will die if I don't have a no bake cookie right then and there! :)
LOVE that picture! Oh, he's such a handsome one! Way to go Jace! I wish I could lose 12 pounds in 5 weeks!
I love it! My favorite one is #2! He IS growing up and looking so much older now. How cute and what great determination. Ask him if I can borrow some of that would ya?
Great job and fun post!
That might be one of the cutest baby pictures I have ever seen. That is awesome that he has so much ambition. I hope Danny is still coaching at Hunter in three years so he can have Jace.
That is so great!! Way to go Jace!! Now, can you guys come up with a plan to help me to quit eating gluten???
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