Jackson Hole is becoming one of my favorite places on earth. We went there in the summer and had a blast. We weren't expecting to go again so soon, but Wade had a PT conference there this past week. We decided to take the whole fam and have some fun. Did we ever!! Jordan & Marquie love snowboarding so we knew they would like it. But Jace and Makenna have never done any snow sports and I haven't skiied in I don't know how many years. I was a little nervous because Wade had class all day on the first day so we were on our own. The thought of me teaching Jace & Kenna how to ski is pretty hilarious I must admit!

They did so great. Luckily there was a beginners area with a tow rope that pulled you up an easy hill. We started there and it didn't take them long to get it. This is Mak being pulled on the tow rope.

Jace showing off his snow plowing skills.

I feel bad I didn't get any still pics of Jordan & Marquie on their boards. They were way too advanced for us so we kind of split up. I got some good video of some of their tricks. If I ever learn how to put video on I'll show it (don't hold your breath).

Wade got to join us on the second day and totally showed us all up. He's still got it!

The best part of our trip was going snowmobiling. It was soooo beautiful. We went to a place called Granite Hot Springs. We rode on a trail through the mountains to get there. Wade had to slam on his brakes at one point to let a moose cross the trail. It was so cool.

Jordan got a machine all to himself because nobody dared to ride with him. He's such a daredevil!

Family pic just outside of the hot springs.

This is a natural hot spring in the middle of the mountains. There's a little ticket booth to pay for entry and 2 very small dressing rooms to change in. It was so awesome!

This was the best spot. The water trickles in right behind where we are so it was the hottest spot. Chada!

Then we suited back up in our snow clothes and broke out the Subway sandwiches. We were very prepared.

There was another group of people who had ridden up on a dog sled. We had to get our picture with the dogs.

On our way back down the mountain we saw another moose. This one just trotted along the trail in front of us for about a mile before it turned off into the trees. So cool!
Wow Dayn. That looks like it was so much fun. I would of especially loved the hot spring. I love it when my body is warm and my face is cold. I think that next time you should invite us to come with. Great post!
Cade and I have been talking about going somewhere on vacation to go snowmobiling, it looks fun! I think that should be our next big family vacation!
That looks great! I hate the winter, but doing something like that would be fun! It looks like something your family will remember forever. Great pictures!
what an awesome looking trip! Everything looks so pretty. So glad you got to do it. (And even gladder that you're all back home).
What a great little get-a-way!
It looks like you had a fun time. But I wouldn't want to eat dinner out side! I would be so cold!
Oh my heck! That is so beautiful! I totally think you should take us with you next year. And I want to ride a dog sled! That is so so fun! I'm jealous of you!
Well, if you're going to take everyone else with you next year, you have to take us too! This does look SO fun! Great pics!
That looks so fun!!!
Your trip looks like so much fun! I love Jackson too. The hot spring was so cool. Your family has so much fun!
In answer to your questions, yes, Katelyn's hair is red. It is so crazy. And yes, Josh and Rachel have 5 kids now. I can't believe it has been that long since you moved. Time does fly! The other baby in the picture was Tyson's.
Anyway, it is always fun to hear from you!
First of all, what a blast! Second, What gorgeous pictures! and Third, what a cute family. I glad that you are able to have such fun memories all together.
Oh Dayna, that looks like so much fun -and that's coming from a not so much of a snow fan person! Your family is so cute. Those hot springs looked great! I love those fun little "spur of the moment" trips -although they are few and far between in my family! Glad you all had such a great time.
Thank you for sharing another thrilling adventure with us. Your family, the scenery and the pictures are all so beautiful. So glad you can have good family moments. Keep it up. Love you
That looked like so much fun!! I'm not a snow person but truly, that sounded way fun! You lucky dogs.
Hey Wade, I didn't make the connection until just now but I'm wondering if you have met my cousin Jay Ellis at your meetings like this. He is 30 years into sports med in Idaho Falls and worked with the Chinese Olympic athletes as they trained in Bejing, but did not go to the Olympics. He just finished working with the World Wide Special Winter Olympics team in Boise. He must go to the same type of meetings you go to. He is a very neat cousin.
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