Makenna wanted a ham, cheese, and mushroom omelet for her bday breakfast, with toast, fruit, and milk. She was very specific.
-She is always happy. I'm not sure when that happened because when she was a baby she was a stinker, but now she is an absolute joy to be around.
-She can bust a move like nobody's business. The girl loves to dance and she is one funky diva!
-She is sooo responsible. At home and school, if she is asked to do something, it will get done.
-She is a candy freak. You wouldn't know it to look at her, she's as skinny as 6:00 straight up, but she loves sweets!
-She's a girly girl. Loves clothes, fashion, hair, makeup, doing her nails, etc... but... she can play soccer just as good if not better than any boy her age!
-She's a smarty farty pants!
-My favorite... she has the cutest freckles in the world. I love them. They are sooo Makenna.
Happy Birthday Kennie-girl. We love you sooooooo much!