So here are some pics of Jordan & adorable Sammie from Jr. Prom. It was on the same night as the David Archuleta concert so it was a very hectic night.

They went to the zoo for their day activity. The group: Jared & Keisha G, Valerie & Seth, Sammie & Jordan
They went to Biaggi's for dinner and then the dance was at the Airport Hilton. Fancy Schmancy!

It was funny because the kids were all meeting at our house at 5:30. Sara was picking me and the girls up at 6:00. I thought no problem. I'll take pics and get the kids off by 5:45 and be ready to go when Sara comes. Duh! Teenagers are not on time, how did I forget this? So they all show up at about 5:45 with most of the parents in tow because we all want pictures.

So finally we get all the pictures we want and Sara should be here like right now and of course I still need to change. So I run into my room and am hustling like crazy. In walks Sara with huge tears just streaming down her face. My first thought was that someone hit her car as she was coming in our circle cuz there were so many people coming and going and everyone was in a hurry and there were so many cars parked everywhere. I said "Oh no, what happened?! She says "Jordan's going to Prom." Cute huh?

I wish I wouldn't have been in such a rush and would have thought to take a pic of Sara bawling her eyes out. That would have been priceless!
Really??? Is he old enough to be dating? REALLY???? I know I have only been in the family 12 years (14 if you count dating), but man do I feel OLD!!! So cute and fun! I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! Love ya!
Oh, ya - He really looks like Wade to me! They are growing up too fast! funny ! Very cute pictures to !
OK, and now I am crying again. There is something really wrong with me.
I love that the guys ties, etc match their girls. They all look darling! I guess it's been so long I have forgotten. Jordan looks so cute and so grown up. He can't possibly be old enough for this. Your sis is so cute! P.S. The pic on my blog of Marcus and I was taken in Jamaica. We went on a 7 day cruise in Feb. you have to scroll way down on my blog to see the post about our cruise. It was amazing!
Sammie is so cute! SO CUTE! Jordan's not half bad himself! And Sara... what would we do without Sara?!?!
How fun! I love the pictures. I love the picture of them in the Utah gear. But then again, I am partial to red.:)
I love your house too. You have some really cute decorations!
I'm with Sara. I want to baul my eyes out everytime I see Jared, Jordan, and Zach and how GROWN up they are. It's just crazy to me. I would love to be their age and hang out with them.
Again what cute kids! They sure look sharp all dressed up for prom! I remember those days...
Beautiful Pictures of beautiful kids. What a fun memory. Time truly passes in a whizz they were all little guys just yesterday it seems.
So cute! Jordan is such a handsome lad! I can still picture him as a little tiny Jordan squeeling and kicking his leg up behind him! I can't believe he's this old already! Cute girls...I love their modest dresses!
Wow. How did this all happen? He is so handsome. They are all so cute. I feel older than dirt.
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