1. He's the funniest person in the world- especially when he talks with one of his many genuine accents.
2. He is who he is. He never tries to put on an act to impress people. If you don't like him, it's okay with him. He's such a free spirit.
3. He loves healthy food. Jordan rarely eats candy. He likes to snack on healthy food (gets that from his dad).
4. He's totally buff! If you punch him in the stomach your hand will hurt. I know this from experience.
5. He's so smart. Jordan has never liked school, but he hangs in there and gets good grades anyway.
6. He looks out for his siblings. I would like to say that he's always nice to them but that's not true. But if anyone else is not nice to them, he will definitely take care of it.
7. He can build or fix anything.
8. He can talk his way out of anything. I actually don't love this so much about him, but it's definitely a talent worth sharing.
9. He's so grumpy in the morning. This is something I've learned to love about him after realizing he gets it from me.
10. He can make friends with anyone! He is so nonjudging. He gives everyone a chance. He doesn't care what people look like or what race or religion they are. Once at Cherry Hill we couldn't find Jordan and after about an hour we see him going down Cardiac Canyon with complete strangers, acting like they were lifelong friends. Another time we were camping and a group of teenagers came over to see if Jordan could come play night games with them. I said "How do you know them?" He says "Oh I just met them earlier today". He has so many friends.
These are just a few things I love about the Jordman. I really could go on forever! Have a great birthday bud. We love you!
Here are some pics from his family bday party.